Privacy Policy

General information
The following list is intended to provide information on how we handle your data, which services and products are used in connection with the use of this website, and where you can view the corresponding privacy statements of third parties.

Responsible in terms of data protection legislation and other provisions of a data protection nature is the art gallery Grieder Contemporary.

Disclosure of data to third parties
As a matter of principle, we do not pass on the personal data provided to us to third parties, i.e. in particular not for advertising purposes.

This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored permanently or temporarily on your computer when you visit this website. The purpose of cookies is, in particular, to analyse the use of this website for statistical purposes and for continuous improvement. You can deactivate cookies completely or partially in your browser settings at any time. If cookies are deactivated, some functions of this website may no longer be available to you. We currently use the following technically necessary cookies:

  •, key with numbers and letters, essential for the functioning of the website, up to the end of the browser session
  •, reDimCookieHint, saves the cookie consent settings, 1 year

Google Fonts
The fonts used on this website are from Google Fonts (loaded locally). The corresponding privacy policy can be viewed at: and

Google Maps
The map display under Contact is also a Google service (link). The corresponding privacy policy can be viewed at: and

Social Media
We offer links to the following social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram. The corresponding privacy policy can be viewed at: and

This website is hosted by Metanet AG. The corresponding privacy policy can be viewed at: